Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nose Day 4

Well this is Lexi's nose today. I think it looks tons better, the swelling is gone, thank goodness and her nose is back in place, it was just a small thing on the side and it all it took for a simple push. It really isn't stopping her, she doesn't let it bother her. I myself though want to cry everytime I look at her face and am praying it DOES NOT scar. We are keeping stuff on it.


Eric and Jenny said...

Oh dear that really is just so sad...

I am so glad she is not letting it get her down, thankfully kids are troopers that way!

Thiago & Teri said...

Poor Lex. Reminds me of Lincoln and his little nose incident a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes it still sounds like he is breathing funny. Crazy toddlers.