Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful Day 1 through 3

Day 1: Thankful for my home, it may not be perfect, but I love it. Right now its a disaster and there are toys everywhere, but its a home!

Day 2: Thankful for doctors, nurses and all medical technology. Without it I wouldn't have my Husband. And this day I realized life is truly too short as I receive news of a 30 year old dying from a stroke that use to work with us.

Day 3: Today! I am thankful for my job. Its not what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it pays bills, gives me spending money and makes my family happy! I also have paid time off and benefits.

P.S. I will add pics later.


Sunset Stanley said...

I love this! And I love how your job gives you paid time off. My boss is such a jerk and doesn't allow time off AT ALL! Ha ha ha ha! :)

Thiago & Teri said...

I like this idea...great way to remember what November is all about!