Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To be a kid again....

I wanna run through the sprinklers again with not a care in the world...
I wanna run up and down the sidewalk screaming...
I wanna eat a popsicle as it runs down my hands and not care at all...
I wanna jump on a tramp and show off my latest move...
I wanna change my outfit 30 times a day and not care about laundry...
I wanna ride my bike so fast that I feel the wind along my face...
I wanna jump in a mud puddle just because...
I wanna swing on a swing, twirl on a merry-go-round and climb a tree...
I wanna play hopscotch with the biggest rock...
I wanna talk to my friends for hours on the phone over nothing inparticular...
I wanna build a fort out of blankets and chairs...
I wanna watch a Disney movie and dream of living in a castle...
I wanna smile for no reason at all...
I wanna have no worries and only small fears...
I wanna dream of coming up with the latest invention...
I wanna be pulled in a wagon around the block...

If only, I could be a kid again.

My boys latest invention, hence the reason I wanna be a kid again.

I think when were little we spend our time rushing life by. We want to be 5, so we can go to school. We want to be 13, because were a teenager. We want to turn 16, so we can drive. We want to turn 18, so we can become an adult. I've been telling my boys lately....DON'T RUSH IT! When you grow up, you have responsibilities, you have to work for the rest of your life and you spend a lifetime trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up.

This week, yes its only Tuesday has been a test. I feel like Bob and I are dealt so many bad cards. He has a really bad infection, its scary and if it goes to his heart it could kill him. A normal person (with no heart condition) wouldn't nessicarly have this problem, but Bob's heart disease is always a weighing factor in everything. And most of the time infections will attack the weakest thing in your body. I am clinging to faith right now. We have spent the last two days at the hospital getting this figured out. Even the doctor is worried. Bob has had two shots you know where and is on the strongest antibiotic you can take. I haven't slept lately, I am sick and its the only thing on my mind. I just want to not have to worry about something life threatening for awhile. But I do believe in the back of my mind that he is going to be okay, he is stubborn and hard headed, but he isn't giving up anytime soon. Obviously Bob is here for a reason. So friends keep your fingers crossed that this goes away ASAP.

1 comment:

Thiago & Teri said...

Oh dear, I am sure all will be well, however I am so sorry that it is happening and that you have to worry about it. Keep you in my prayers for sure.

Me and Thiago were just talking about how great it would be to be a kid in the summertime again, not a care in the world. HOw lucky they are.