Wednesday, August 31, 2011

OH you make me smile...

I want to remember this week for the rest of my life....well the time before 6:30pm when homework started for Jaxon and he threw a COMPLETE UTTER FIT.

The things I want to remember are these:

1. Ashton on his first REAL day, he woke up and came in the bathroom while I was doing my hair with a BIG giant smile on his face and said "Mom, I am so happy to go to Kindergarten."

2. When I picked Ashton up from my Moms and he immediately ran to the door screaming (because Ashton DOES NOT talk quiet) "Mom, you've gotta see what I did on my first day!" He talked and talked and talked and talked and talked about his first day and I loved every SINGLE minute of it. I truly wish I had it recorded, because NOTHING beats it.

3. Today, he said to me, "Mom, I have a friend thats in a wheelchair." and he sweetly declared his name. Seriously, I had a tear run down my face. I love this kid. I love his outlook on life. I love the way everyone is his friend no matter the cirmcustance.

4. When Jax on DAY 3 FINALLY completed his homework without a single tear and said "Well, thats wasn't so bad!" Yes, Jax, my love I have been telling you that for 3 days now.

Somedays I just want to freeze time, it seems like its racing by. Its already September, before we know it the year will be over and we'll be making plans for next year. I still can't believe I have 2 kids in school, someone needs to pinch me.


Thiago & Teri said...

I am glad Ashton is loving it. What a transition for these little guys. I am unsure about Cars, I think it is a big change for him and he is still getting used to it. Kinda crazy huh.

So sad about your camera, I imagine you are just sick over it. I would be.

Eric and Jenny said...

It will be Christmas before we know it, I just got all of my Fall stuff out with my pumpkin candle going and now it really feels Fallish! I am so glad he loves Kindergarten, that makes school all the better when they actually want to go.