Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our CRAZY Chaotic LIFE

Time moves so quickly.  I was thinking today while I work that its been over 6 months since I moved back.  We are actually going on 8 months.  Sometimes it seems like yesterday and then it seems like I never left.  Then I hear someone say, "Do you remember last year.....?" and I have to think.  Its sad for many reasons.  I don't want to forget my experience in Texas, because even though I know its not the place I want to live, I learned so much in those 11 months that I would've never learned had I not taken the leap of faith.  I also realize how precious time is.  I was aching so bad last year to spend Holidays with my family.  I ached to be here with the rest of them celebrating birthdays, having barbecues, the 4th of July and all the summer fun.  Here I am....and I would've never guessed I'd be back here.

I love this so much, because so many times in life we don't know where to go.  Trust in God, he will lead you.

My cute furry girl

Utah has the most beautiful skies and scenery, I took it for granted, but don't anymore.

Just my furry boy being himself

New hair

I live for summer, I swear I'm suppose to be somewhere where its summer everyday...just kidding, I belong in Utah

Just my boy putting together legos

My Summer wreath I made, so easy and fun

This little girl doesn't stop and somedays she just passes out without us knowing.

She will always be a Daddy's girl and I've just had to accept it

One of those days where the words just don't come and you come across something that speaks directly to him without you having to say it.

Oh he melts me, love him.

Another summer day

We had a good laugh.  Oh my Ashton.

New bright pink, purple and green shoes and a SIZE 1

What happens when you ride your scooter and crash with no shirt on.

Watched Lone Survivor, so sad, but a great movie that everyone needs to see

This boy, he went and turned 8

Sometimes a shake for dinner is needed

Bob and I went on a date and got a BIG sub

Just my girl

Snuggles from Uncle Bob to Jayden
I'm not a hat person, but I'm obsessed with this hat.
Life just keeps going.....

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