Next week I get to hang out with these 3 crazy kids. I get to sleep in, watch the morning news (My favorite), watch Price is right and Scooby Doo. Oh YEAH and Tom & Jerry. I get to make them lunch, talk to them, act like a kid, feed Lexi, change Lexi and get her dressed. I am so excited, I miss being home with my kids everyday, but I think its also good that I have a job to keep my sanity. I love staying home, but I also enjoy going to work and talking with my friends. I know that may sound weird to some, but its true, my kids can't answer my questions always or give me great parenting advice or listen to me complain about something.
So I am looking forward to SPRING BREAK 2010!!!
That does sound wonderful! Just reading it reminds me to not take all of those things for granted, because you are so right it can become mundane day after day. Enjoy yourself!
Oh I love those pictures...miss Lexi needs to stop growing. She is looking way to grown-up in those pictures.
I love what you said about working, I work on Fridays and half a day on Saturdays. I swear getting to leave for a few hours and go talk to other adults is truly my sanity. And by the time I get home I am missing my kids and ready to see them, I think it makes me a better mom cause I get the chance to miss them. Ya know..
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