Its hard to believe that a month from tomorrow Lexi will be 1. If I could freeze time, I would freeze it to right now. She is at a fun age. I love how active she is and funny she is. She has a such a girly personality!
Some things about Lexi at 11 months:
*She took her first steps on April 5th all by herself
*She can stand up on her own
*She says "UH OH"
*When she doesn't want anymore food, she will take it and then spit it out all over the place
*She is a HUGE Mama's girl and I am fine with that
*She loves food and will eat anything
*She loves her bottle still and I am afraid its going to be tough to break her from it
*She has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom
*She loves to dance, I will get it on video one day
*She loves to play with her brothers toys
*She is super sensitive
*She gets into everything, unfolds my laundry, takes things out of drawers, always wants the remotes or phones and loves to make a mess
*She will throw things on the floor to see if someone will pick it up
*She loves bathtime now, atleast since I bought the toys for the tub
*She loves her baby dolls
*She hates the car now
*We discovered she loves sand and even the taste of it
So now its time to plan her party, right now we are thinking a cupcake party with a huge cupcake and then little cupcakes and probably at our house or a park. I can't believe how fast time has flown by, I swear just yesterday I was bringing her home. This little girl has grown up so fast, so I say HUG your kids a little tighter tonite, because tomorrow they will be teenagers.
I can't believe she is almost one either, that year went by way fast. It's the worst that feeling of just wanting your kids to stay how they are right now, I feel sad that Katelynn is a week old today. Which is silly I know, but I just love that cuddly newborn stage and it goes so fast.
Ugh, don't ya hate it....I am constantly wanting to tell Lincoln to stop growing. He doesn't listen.
She is so stinkin cute! Time sure does fly!
First off, your little girl is SO cute and the pictures turned out great :) Yes, I think I saw you too - I was so annoyed with the few number of checkstands open!!! I was in such a hurry I didn't have much time before I was going to be late to work! If I were closer I would have said hi!!!
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