Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Fun

We got up early this morning, got ready and hit the road to Salt Lake for the Car show. Not sure if I have mentioned this or not, but the Car Show was where Bob and I went on our VERY FIRST date, that was nine years ago and we have gone every year since. Its something will do FOREVER.

The car show improves every year, this year they did free Jeep rides for the BIG KIDS and the LITTLE KIDS. So Bob and Jaxon rode in the BIG Jeep and Lex and Ash rode in the small Jeep. I watched both of them.

After the car show we headed to Hooters. I love Hooters. Bob loves the wings, I just love going. While walking in, Jax said "This is where the girls who don't wear clothes work!" Not sure where he pulled that out of, because they do wear clothes, I've seen worse just walking in the mall. LOL

Bob ordered the hottest wings and Ashton inhaled them. Jax wanted wings, but not that hot and ended up eating Lexi's sandwich. I just ordered a chicken sandwich.

We had a blast, I love days like this one. And its been a 4-day weekend for me, I still have a whole day to go.

1 comment:

Eric and Jenny said...

4 day weekends are the best aren't they! Sure do make Sunday nights better, have a great day tomorrow. Hope you guys are doing something fun!