My little girl is growing up a little too fast. I can't believe its been 7 months already, but every day I love this little girl more and more.
Yes, I gave my daughter licorice and I know thats not good, but she was enjoying it so much that I couldn't resist taking it away. She literally chewed on it for 20 minutes and here are the ending results.
I do a mini photo session with her every month since I am not taking her to Kiddie Kandids, I know I am still freaked out about all the germs there with her. I cannot figure out why it freaks me out so bad right now, but it does.
This is one of Lexi's newest things, she likes to spit. Its funny now!!
Some things about my Lex at 7 months:
* I have learned she is very sensitive, she doesn't like when people raise their voice or are in trouble.
* She loves to smile, she smiles at everyone and anyone.
* She has a shy side and its funny, I have seen it more in the last week than any time else.
* She for some reason hates food lately, she doesn't like anything and it takes a lot to get her to eat.
* She sits up on her own now and I am so proud of her.
* She loves toys, has to have something in her hands to put in her mouth at all times.
* She sleeps from 7pm until 5am and will occasionally wake up at 4am or sleep until 7am.
* She still hates being wet and for some reason will not do #2 in a wet diaper. She waits until she is changed and that is no lie.
* She loves rides in the car and since we got her a new girly carseat, she loves it even more. Also the secret Santa people brought her a mirror and I put it in the car and she giggles at herself.
* She still has Mommy and Daddy wrapped around her fingers a million times.
My little Lexi bug, I love you more and more and I feel so blessed to have you in my life.
She has taught me so much Happy 7 months baby girl!!!
She gets cuter and cuter every time I see her! If you think licorice is bad, you should see some of the things my mom feeds Bella. If she tries something new, it's usually at grandma's house! And I love the pictures you take. I haven't gone to a professional studio since I've gotten my camera and I think it's the best decision I've made!
She just gets cuter and cuter, doesn't she...sure is growing up fast.
Love all the secret santa pictures, that is so awesome.
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