There are times in life when I amazed at all that has happened. but there is one thing that shocks me the most about the last year and that is what has happened with my Husband. I realized quickly that life is short, but even quicker that you should cherish everyday to the fullest. So I am proud of where we are today, we lost a lot, butthe most important thing is that we didn't lose each other. We have learned from our mistakes and we aren't, but we love each other more now than ever. Bob is still here tosee his 37th birthday and we are celebrating it together. He is a true miracle and our Heavenly Father knew it wasn't Bobs time to go. At this time last we had no clue what we were about to experience, Bob had mentioned that he felt old, but we didn't think anything of it. Well today he is turning 37, he is healthier and happier than ever and he feels great. So i am going to list out 37 things about him.
1. Bob grew up Catholic, graduated from St Josephs High School in Ogden.
2. He played basketball and soccer for them.
3. He worked at Lagoon for a long time as a prep cook.
4. He started at Citi which was not Citi at the time when he was 18 and has been here ever since then.
5. He has been married 3 times.
6. He loves things to do with computers and technology.
7. He could watch the history channel all day, oh wait he has.
8. He hates reality TV so bad.
9. He loves to mow the lawn.
10. He loves to be outdoors.
11. He has a good view of it to the fullest, drive it like you stole it.
12. He is very protective of his family.
13. He loves older movies.
14. He loves to wrestle with his kids.
15. He likes carpenter jeans.
16. He has the skinniest legs I have ever seen.
17. He has two tattoos he hates and is getting removed eventually.
18. He does not like to shop unless its at Lowes.
19. He is very sensitive when talking about his little girls heart condition.
20. He has been in a motor cycle accident.
21. He loves fish.
22. He eats 2 carrots and a apple for breakfast every week day.
23. He loves a good breakfast on the weekends.
24. He is a perfectionist.
25. He does all the cooking in our house.
26. He claims to like the Green Bay Packers.
27. He has a huge heart, he will do anything for anyone.
28. He someday wants to be a chef at a restaurant where at the bottom of the menu it say "financing available".
29. He likes to camp and we hope to atleast go once this year.
30. He hates his Birthday which makes it even more fun for me.
31. He doesn't like going to the movies.
32. He loves to smoke meat.
33. He hates desserts though.
34. He loves cars and has had more cars then I can count.
35. He loves his kids unconditionally, would do anything for them.
36. He loves me and provides so much for me.
37. He is the strongest person I know, he was adopted at 3 and had open heart at 36 and well he made it!!!
Happy Birthday Bob! You have overcome the hardest year of your life and I am so proud of all you have done and accomplished. Love you with all my heart!
Wow, crazy life! Poor guy, it only makes you tougher! Happy Birthday!
2 carrots and an apple that is the funniest breakfast I have ever heard, I love funny quirks like that so cute! Happy Birthday Bob, I hope you guys get to go do something fun!
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