Thursday, December 26, 2013


My Faith in Jesus Christ hasn't always been spectacular, I  believed, but I didn't think I needed him.  Over the last year, I've been proven wrong.  Every turn I made, there he was, every time I talked, there he was.  He saved me from hard times, held me up when I needed to be and kept me going on a daily basis.  I wanted to get baptized before I left Texas, but I didn't think the timing was right.  I know it would've been my Grandmothers wish to see me finally take that dip.  I prayed about it, asked Heavenly Father to let me know when the timing was right.

I attended a Starting Point meeting in November right before Thanksgiving.  It was perfect and my sign.  I knew that God was telling me that I was ready.  And I believed whole hearted that I was.

In December I set a date for December 15th.  It was awesome.  Committed my life to my Savior, Jesus Christ has been the best thing I've done.  Having my children there to watch me was perfect.  I have no doubt about it that without God, many things in my life wouldn't have been possible.  So many times it would've been easy to get up and he was always there to say "Nope SIERRA, TRY ONE MORE TIME and KEEP GOING!"  And I did.  I think he knew I needed him and he gave me what I needed even though I might not have wanted it.

Watching my kids faith grow over the last year has been amazing, it warms my heart to know that they will grow up knowing that their Lord, Jesus Christ, is and always will be right beside them.  I don't fear God, I love him.  I am REDEEMED!!!

Thanks to my Pastor Brent, my parents, my Sister, my Husband, my kids and my good friends Bobby and Amy.  Love you all!

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