Saturday, May 10, 2008

Growing up, Tball and much more fun

Both of my boys have birthdays coming up and I can hardly believe that it has already been 4 years since Jaxon was born and two since Ashton was born. They amaze me everyday with how much they have grown up. Jaxon is way too smart for his own pants most of the time, he talks a lot and comes up with the funniest things ever. Sometimes I think he knows more than I do, he is such an intelligent kid. He will start his second year of preschool next year, he has done very good this year, but I am excited for him to officially be in the preschool class and not just one where he does arts and crafts and watches bugs grow all year. Jaxon is starting Tball this and I am coaching it, I am excited, not only because Jaxon is playing his first sport, but because I am going to get some much needed exercise.

About Ashton, he is going to be 2 and amazes me everyday also, he has had a slow start with somethings, but heck the kid has been through "hell" and back. Ashton is finally starting to talk and say real words. His newest word this week is flower, but he pronounces it "ower", he says I love you all the time, those three words are enought to melt your heart coming out of his mouth. Ashton is going to be the team mascot for Tball, he has his own jersey and will be at every game watching his brother or maybe running from Daddy.

Its so amazing how fast life is, I swear my boys were just born yesterday and today their running around, causing trouble and almost starting school. I love every minute of it though and wouldn't trade it for the world. We have a lot to look forward this summer and I am excited, we have been doing a lot of yard work lately at our new house and its so much fun.

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