Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My oldest

I can't believe in less than 2 months I'll have a 10 year old.  Why does it seem like I was just 10 and now I have a 10 year old.  NOT RIGHT!!

This boy is growing up before my eyes.  Somedays I wish I could the world through his eyes.  We've been through a lot with Jaxon.  A lot that I don't talk about.  I pray daily for God to give me the strength to do provide what Jaxon needs in life.

Back at the beginning of January, we went through a full days worth of testing to figure out some of what is going on in Jaxon's head.  The result in some ways were shocking and in others weren't.  Jaxon is EXTREMELY smart.  A little too smart for his own good actually.  He has an IQ of 131, only 2% of people in the world fall into this category.  I knew he was intelligent, but I didn't know that intelligent.

We've had our battles with Jaxon.  Its been hard at times and at times I've wanted to just get in the car and drive far away.  But that wouldn't be the ideal thing to do.  Nor would it benefit anyone. 

Jaxon was officially diagnosed with Asperger along with a few other things.  Having this diagnosis has given us hope for the future.  Because we've also been able to work with a psychologist and get the help that Bob and I need as parents.

We want the best for Jaxon.  We want to be able to provide him with the tools he needs to succeed in life.  There is no handbook for how to deal with kids and EVERY child is different.

I feel like we are FINALLY on the right track to providing Jaxon with the parenting he needs.

This boy has a huge heart.  Right now he is growing up so fast that I hate it.  He offers me advice on things and I'm not sure I'm loving it.  LOL  He knows technology better than the back side of his hand. 

Jaxon is doing great in school.  He is pretty bored most of the time, but he continues to do good.

We just take it one day at a time and each day is a new day.

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