Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jaxon 6th Birthday

6 years ago tomorrow I became the one thing I always dreamed of....A MOM!!! I can't believe I have a 6 year old, its crazy! Jaxon was the best baby, I love to brag about him, because he slept through the night at 2 weeks, was a good eater, hardly ever sick and was a great toddler. He grew up too fast though, I swear he went from 2 to 5. We decided this year not to do a big party because Mommy is partied out, Jax was just fine with that, all he wants is to go swimming! I gave him his Birthday present early so he could have time to play with it before he got all his other stuff. He got a lego set that he has been eye balling for a while now, he got 2 notepads, some twistables and goggles for swimming, plus I went and bought him 3 outfits last night. He is growing super fast!

Some things about Jax:

*He has a heart of gold, he will do anything for anyone.
*He has taken on coloring and will color all day.
*He is VERY forgiving.
*He loves his teacher and really looks up to her.
*He doesn't always have to win, he just likes to get things done. (for example, the kids have races down the street and Jax will let the little kids go first.)
*He loves his bike.
*He loves anything outdoors and especially camping.
*He loves to eat.
*He is a great big brother.
*He is a morning person, but will also stay up late too.
*He loves to help with things.
*His favorite color is currently orange.
*He loves his trucks, cars, boats and motorcycles.
*He loves legos.
*He loves to watch cops on TV.
*He is starting to try more things.
*He hates anything that has pepper in it.
*He doesn't like ketchup (got this from his Dad).
*He randomly asks for things like the other day he wanted my Grandma to make cherry pie.
*He loves to talk.

This kid has been through so much, but through it all, he still has strength and determination to do whatever he wants to do. I admire him, he has a strong heart and is such a caring person. Jax, you mean the world to me and I wish you nothing but the best. Happy 6th Birthday Buddy!

1 comment:

Thiago & Teri said...

Happy birthday to your little guy. Wow, 6 years old!!!

So funny that he doesn't like ketchup, I though all kids LOVED that stuff.