Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Does anyone else ever feel like when it rains it pours? Because I am and this has been the hardest 6 months of my life, can 2009 come ANY sooner.

I haven't posted much lately, I really don't know what is wrong with me, everything that could possibly go wrong is....people dying, losing good friends, family issues, trying to have another baby (wondering if I can have another baby?) and to top it off sick children. I am DONE, enough is enough!!

I read this thought a girl brought to work today and it totally opened my eyes (I will remember to bring it home to share). But the story was about seasons changing and how our lives are like seasons, things are always changing and to remember to live in the moment. Its a wonderful thought and totally open my eyes today. I really need to focus more on living life in the moment, instead of worrying about tomorrow or next year.

Thanks everyone for all the support!


Brent~April~Kennley said...

I have been thinking the same thing.....When it rains it pours. We have had a rough year in my family, finding out my dad has cancer, watching him go through chemo, the family dog getting really sick. Try and keep your head up high and remember to pray.....that has helped me alot through some really tough times.

Thiago & Teri said...

You are going to be fine, hang in there. Things will eventually turn around and start smoothing out for you, try to remember how many blessings you do have. I am sure you know this, that is easier said than done. I am thinking of you and praying that things will start getting better.

Jamie said...

Thats so true. I am sorry you are going through a lot. You will be in my prayers with trying to get pregnant and the trials in your life. You are stronger then you think. :) good luck!