Friday, January 17, 2014

Closing this chapter

November and December were a rough month for me.  Don't get me wrong, coming home was a huge blessing, but not coming home to my Own house was super hard.  I haven't really able to talk about all the things that have happened with our house and some things are so sickening, its hard to talk about.  Trying to explain to your 9, 7 and 4 year old why you can't go back to your house is really hard.  Over the last two months so many things have happened.  We got the horrible news before leaving Texas that our buyer for our home had backed out due to the way the house looked.  I couldn't blame them.  Its horrible and devastating.  I prayed every night that something would happen and we would have someone buy our house.  Luckily our prayers were answered and last week we got the call that our house has sold and someone is buying it as is.  This is a huge blessing, because Bob and I never have to step foot into the place that we called home that has been trashed beyond belief.    We FINALLY get to close this chapter of our book and although its bittersweet, we know that God only closes one door to open another.

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