Monday, June 27, 2011

My 500th POST...

Crazy huh? I think so...

I have been racking my brain trying to figure what to do for this post and nothing seemed good.

So here goes nothing, okay may something:

I started my blog in April of 2008, at first I wasn't too attached to it. The first blog I found was this one, I thought it was fun. I then connected to many friends who I hadn't spoken to since High School. I became really addicted and in 2009 when Bob got sick it kind of turned into my journal, it was where I could write my feelings out and get the best advice. And now its my daily life. I love my blog. I love that I can keep track of the things my kids say, do and all the fun times we have together. I was a huge scrapbooker, but never had the time to make everything all cute. I also couldn't keep up on it. I love that I can turn my whole blog including my words that I write into a book and my kids can one day look at it.

My favorite blog is this one. I read this blog every day, I found her blog through another heart Mom whose little girl actually has the same thing as Bob.

I love blog hopping and reading peoples blog, I admit it, even people's blogs that I don't know. Its just fun to see what other people have going on.

I can't wait to blog more and look back at everything we have done, been through and survived.

Happy 500th post to me!!!


Sunset Stanley said...

Happy 500! I love reading your blog. It's awesome because it helps us keep in touch although we don't see each other all that often anymore. I feel like I can keep up with your crazy life! :)

Eric and Jenny said...

500th post huh! I am not sure if/when I have even passed that mark. I agree blogging is such a great hobby and one that I rarely feel any guilt over, because it will be such a treasure one day. What am I saying I treasure it now. Love your blog dear, keep trecking along on it. Can't wait for the 1000th!!