Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I want to remember...

The way you looked when you came into this world and how my heart grew 10 times bigger each time.

How you depended on me at 1am, 2am, 3am and 4am for the first few months of your lives.

How you loved to be held in your mothers arms because it felt right and you fit perfectly.

How you wanted Mommy to kiss your owie's better and for some reason it worked.

The littlest things that make you happy, like a new pair of shoes, new jammies, watching a show you love or eating dinner as a family.

How you always tell Mommy that you want her to stay home from work because you need cuddle time.

How you gives the greatest hugs and just make my day.

How I am the most important person in your life.

How no matter what it is I can always make it better.

There are so many things I want to remember and at times I wish I had a video recorder taping our everyday lives. Because I know in 5, 10 and many years down the road I am going to miss this all so much and it may all be hard to remember. Is there anything better than being a Mom, I don't think so.


Sunset Stanley said...

Such a great post! Totally made me cry! I can't believe how fast they grow and change. I love being a mom more than anything else in the world!

Thiago & Teri said...

oh my heck...I am extra emotional right now and this totally has me crying. you are such a great mom, it is evident how much you love those kids. you are a great example to me.

Yvonne [Tried and Tasty] said...

It's hearing things like this that make me so excited to one day hopefully be a mom, what a precious posts - I know I will want to be just like you and remember everything, that's the beauty of cameras, blogs, and vide cameras. I sure do love technology!