Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Jaxon

I want to brag about my Jaxon for a minute. This little guy is everything I have dreamed of and more. He is creative, imaginative, charming, thoughtful, smart and a great big brother. He has the best personality. The only thing is that he sometimes worries too much, he was really upset when he found out that Ashton was going for some test. He had a break down the night before, I think he may have overheard me talking with Bob about it. I tried to keep it from him, but he always finds out everything. He was worried sick, he asked me 5 times that night if Ashton was going to be okay. I feel so bad for Jax, because during all of the chaos in our lives he has struggled with so much. I don't talk about it much because it breaks my heart. Jaxon not only has struggled at home, but in school too, he hated school, he never wanted to go, he didn't like any of his teachers and he was excited when he was off. I was tired of fighting with Jaxon to do homework every night. A 30 minute process would take hours and hours and we would end up in a fight. I told Jaxon one day that I was never going to give up on him, I would make sure he made it through school whether he liked it or not. I then made him an appt to meet with a doctor to talk about Jaxon's behavior. The doctor prescribed him a small dose of anxiety medicine. This was hard for me, because the last thing I wanted to do was medicate my child or make him someone he is not. But I soon found out that I made the right decision. Jaxon is doing awesome in school, in the 3 weeks he has been on his medicine he has gotten 1 bad note and he had a subsitute that day. He loves homework now and he even asks to do it. He is coloring and drawing pictures (such as the one above he made for me). He gets a long with Bob and I and his siblings. He can focus on things, he doesn't get angry all the time over the littlest things. He is writing his name better, he is counting better, he is reading better and he is just plain thriving. I love it! I love that Jaxon is doing better, I worried about him for the longest time. Jaxon and I can have conversations without bringing Jaxon to tears about what happened with his Dad. He still has lots of questions and I am sure he always will.

I know many people are probably wondering if Jaxon has always been like this and he hasn't. It wasn't until his Dad had open heart surgery and was down the whole summer that Jaxon started showing these emotions. The doctors and we believe that Jaxon was just put through way TOO MUCH over this past year. I feel guilty for a big portion of it, but I am not sure what I could've done differently, I sent my boys out of town for a week while Bob had surgery and was in the hospital, I think that was the best decision I could've made.

All I know is that I am happy my happy Jaxon is back, the one I remember from 2 years ago that made me smile on a daily basis. Thanks Jax for the picture, you've made my day and I love you!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm happy he is doing good! I love all of your kids. They are the best!

Tiff and Chris said...

That's so wondeful that he is doing so good now. Its hard to know how kids are feeling and how to help them-especially when its not how they usually are. So glad things are looking up. You are a wonderful mother.

Thiago & Teri said...

So glad he is doing well. Poor little guy, that is alot to struggle with at such a young age. I would have been a basket case, so its no wonder some of that affected him negatively. So glad you got him on that medication and he is doing so well with it. Their is absolutley nothing wrong with that, and I know you made the right decision. My goodness it is hard being a mom sometimes isn't much to worry about. Glad he is doing better!!