Thursday, January 29, 2009
Half Way There...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why do we worry?
Friday, January 16, 2009
New Family Member, messy kid and puppy love...
Meet Tabitha, after much thought, I have decided to keep one of the puppies, this one is the runt, I had to help her get healthy and have just fallen in love completely with her. Not that I don't love the other puppies, but I have a special bond with her. The kids are happy, they begged to keep one and I just couldn't decide with a baby on the way...well as you can see, I gave in...
Ashton loves to wear his food, this kid has been eating so much lately, he has grown a lot too, a lot of his clothes aren't fitting him and he is growing up right before my eyes. This makes me sad, because Ashton has been my baby for the last 2 years, he loves his Mommy and always wants me....NOW, he wants nothing to do with me, well unless I have food or something he wants. He is still my baby and always will be my baby boy!
The boys both love these puppies, I am not sure how its going to go when they are gone. Jaxon helps me feed them everyday including bringing them out of their box and everything. They keep him entertained. The whole attitude thing has gotten kind of better, we took the TV away permanently and he still doesn't have it. I like it, he goes to bed at bedtime, doesn't stay up until 2:30 in the morning and he actually plays with his brother. I have also learned a lot about Jaxon in the last week, he has to be the center of attention, he wants everyone to know that he is there and if they don't notice, thats when he starts acting up. I love Jax so much, he really does keep me going and there is never a dull moment with him. I have also learned that he likes to help, he has helped with a lot lately and I have enjoyed it. I think that the TV was hiding this kid the whole time, it was an excuse for me and I enjoy his presence more than anything.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Does it get better?
Well he started off on the wrong foot this morning, first with slapping his brother, then proceeding to shred paper all over his room. If he wants to shred the paper he has to realize he is going to have to clean it up, well he didn't think that was right. So it starts with the Jaxon tatrum that last for hours, going from crying to screaming to crying to screaming and never ending. I can only take so much of this before I lose my patience. He then proceeds to beat the crap out of his brother once again, so at this point I have to step in and I do. I have learned that taking toys from Jaxon doesn't mean anything, he just doesn't care. But taking away his TV is the worse thing you can do to him. I had a hard time letting him have the TV in the first place, I didn't have a TV in my room until I was in Junior High and I never had a DVD player, so I think he has it made. I have taken away the TV one other time, but never stuck to keeping it away, he had it back in no time. I have learned and been told several times, if I am going to do something I need to stick to it, especially with a child. I know I have struggled in this area and I think its part of the reason why he acts the way he does. So I took away the TV, its gone, he isn't getting it back, I advised him that he is going to have to earn it back, which will require some very good days of listening and not back talking. I figure its the only way to help with the way he is acting and maybe I am wrong, I really don't know. Right now I am at my struggling point, I have never had a 4 year old, I haven't done this before, so its new. All I know is that Jaxon is not the same he use to be, I know I am part to blame, because I let him get away with so much for so long. Does this get better? I really am up to take any advice possible, what do you do? How do you stop the nasty attitude? How do you get that loveable child back that seems to be missing? Its hard for me to say these things because I love my Son with all my heart, but I miss the old Jaxon, I want him back. Why is it so hard being a parent sometimes?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Crazy Busy...
Does anyone else feel like there is not enough hours in the day?
I have had so much going on that I feel like all I do is run, run, run and when I am not on the go, I just want to sit and do nothing.
First, I hadn't worked a full 5 day work week in quite some time with all the Holidays and everything, so working 5 days this week really kicked my butt.
Next, I have 6 adorable little puppies keeping me really busy, I never knew how much time would come a long with this....well now I know. It really has been a fun experience, watching them grow, listening to their cute little barks and just taking care of them. These little cuties will be ready Valentine's week, if your interested, let me know, their so good with kids and the middle picture below is my Dog, she is the Mommy!

Now these boys, they REALLY keep me busy, I keep asking how I am going to handle all this with three. I think it will work out, it has to have its way. Jaxon has definately been touching my patience lately, he has quite the mouth and thinks he knows it all. Sometimes I have to walk away and count to 10 so I don't blow up. I also have been fighting with him about peeing all over my toilet, its getting really old. Does anyone else have this problem? He refuses to sit down and go potty, which I guess I am okay with that, but boy am I tired of cleaning pee of the toilet 90 times a day.